When the summertime creeps around, you need to ensure that your home is prepared to keep you and your family cool throughout the season. Here at Foulks Southern Air, we have your back to help keep your HVAC unit in premier shape for its heavyweight fight against the summer conditions.
Summer HVAC Efficiency Tips
Change Your Filters Regularly
Monitoring your air filters is essential to maintaining a healthy HVAC system during the summertime. You should check your air filters at least once a month to ensure they are operating efficiently. These filters can become clogged with debris, which can force your air conditioner to work harder. Clogged filters can not only wear out your unit prematurely, but also increase your energy bill.
Provide Shade
You would not stand in the direction of the sun when it is scorching hot outside. So do not make your AC unit do the same! Make sure that your system is protected from the sizzling summer sun rays by providing shade for the unit. If the heat is overwhelming your air conditioner, then it will work harder than necessary. An overworked HVAC unit can wear down and increase bills.
Clear The Area Around The Unit
As important as it is to secure shade for your air conditioner, you also need to make sure the system has room to work. Your unit needs space to breathe, and surrounding debris can clog the system preventing airflow. So, give your HVAC room to operate but do not forget to also ensure shade to prevent overheating.
Turn On The Fan
Utilizing ceiling fans inside the home will allow you to turn the thermostat up a few degrees. This eases up the workload on your air conditioner while allowing the fans to keep the home cool. Not following this step will require your AC to shoulder all the work in cooling your home. Forcing your system to do all the work may shorten its duration of use and require repairs.
Rest Your AC With A Smart Thermostat
When you are away from your home, it is best to give your HVAC a break. This can save you money in the short term, but also prevent your system from overworking.
However, to avoid returning home to a sweltering hot home, you can utilize a smart thermostat. Before returning home, you can adjust the temperature from your mobile device so once you return home it will be at a comfortable temperature.
Get An Attic Fan
It is common to forget about your attic and the potential issues it may cause when cooling your home. An attic may be the hottest area in your home during the summertime.
Warm air trapped in your attic can leak out and increase the heat. Installing a fan within your attic can keep this area cool. This way your home is being cooled from top to bottom without the threat of stifling air!
Utilize Window Tint
Tinting windows on vehicles is common to prevent sun rays from overheating the interior. You also may own a pair of sunglasses to prevent sun rays from harming your eyes. This same way of thinking should be used for your home. Installing window tints can prevent areas that are exposed to sunlight from penetrating and overheating your home.
Close Doors And Windows
When it’s hot outside, pretend your home is a submarine submerged underwater. You wouldn’t leave any hatches or doors open in your submarine, for the risk of water leaking in.
Therefore, avoid leaving windows or doors open during the summertime! All that warm air outside will leak or rush into the home and soon your home may overheat. This can cause your AC unit to overwork and cause a potential breakdown.
Contact Foulks Southern Air!
The most important tip, however, is to get professional help. Call Foulks Southern Air today for assistance with AC maintenance and installations! We are the leading experts in all air conditioning services in Covington, Louisiana. Request a service now to ensure your home is prepared for the blistering summer heat.