If you’ve ever dealt with blackouts, you know how truly scary electrical outages can be! Electrical problems can take a lot of different shapes and forms, making them hard to identify in some instances.
However, blackouts and flickering are two of the most common types of electrical problems that you may face throughout the year. Whether this is your first time dealing with electrical problems or your millionth, there is always something new to learn about electrical wiring.
At Foulks Southern Air, we have all your electrical solutions at an affordable price. We’ve been serving Hammond’s community since 1973, and with over 50 years of experience, we know a lot about electrical wiring! When you’re struggling with inconsistent and flickering lighting, we’re here with some tips that you can use to identify your issue.
What Causes Flickering Lights?
Lights that continually turn on and off can be caused by a variety of factors, including but not limited to the following.
Faulty Or Loose Bulbs
Loose connections between the light bulb and socket can cause intermittent flickering and inconsistent lighting. If you think this might be the cause of your problem, try removing and reinserting the bulb securely. If it keeps happening, the bulb may be faulty altogether and need to be replaced.
Voltage Fluctuations
Variations in the power supply can lead to your lights flickering. This can happen due to power grid instability, heavy electrical loads or faulty wiring installation. Contact your electricity provider as soon as possible if you feel like this may be causing your lights to flicker.
Overloaded Circuits
If you’re operating multiple electrical devices or appliances, you may start to notice your lights begin to turn on and off. When a circuit has too many electrical devices or appliances designated to it, it can lead to inconsistent lighting.
Consider turning off some of the appliances or upgrading your electrical system so that you can operate multiple electrical devices at the same time.
Loose Electrical Connections
Loose wiring in your electrical system can cause lights to flicker by creating interruptions in your electrical flow. This can happen due to faulty switches, outlets or connections in the circuit. Having an electrician on our team look over the connections at least once a year can prevent these problems from happening in the future.
When Should I Schedule Electrical Repair?
If you’re experiencing lights that flicker despite troubleshooting, it’s time to schedule electrical repairs. This is particularly important because electrical problems have the tendency to escalate, which makes addressing it earlier a top priority.
Any signs of a burning smell, sparks or electrical arcing should also be taken seriously, and turning off your circuit until an emergency technician can get there will protect your household until someone gets there. Don’t attempt any DIY fixes, as electrical wiring is unpredictable and dangerous.
Foulks Knows How To Fix Your Wiring!
Electrical problems can be a huge burden to deal with, but that doesn’t mean you’re stuck trying to fix them alone. With over 50 years of experience and amazing reviews, we have the experience and the knowledge to tackle any of your electrical issues.
Foulks Southern Air & Plumbing knows that your home shouldn’t be a point of stress in your life, which is why we make sure to make the experience as smooth as possible. Southern Louisiana is plagued with home service issues year-round, making it important to have reliable services. Call today for Foulks that can fix your wiring fast!